The New Covenant


The doctrine that drags you out of SDA theology is the New Covenant.  As it turns out, when Jesus came he established a New Covenant with his people.  Below you will see my journey on this step by step.  Though I have learned a lot since writing these and could double each of them in length, I am not going to do that.  This is where I was when I started my journey so this is how I present it to others.

“And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” Luke 22:20 ESV


1.  Old vs New Covenant

2.  “Sabbath New Moons and Appointed Feasts…”

3.  Matthew Chapter 5

4.  “Carved in Letters on Stone”

5.  The Seal of God

6.  “Changing the Sabbath”

7.  “The Law of Christ”

8.  Covenant Theology

9.  SDA Prooftexts Addressed

10.  James 2 – Sola Fide Sola Gratia

11.  The Sabbath


I have archived my older studies into one page which can be found HERE.  The legacy studies are less comprehensive than the ones that I have listed above.  But many still like them.