Former Adventist Resources


I am going to maintain a list of recommended study resources and helpful links below.  If any of the links break let me know in the comments and I will update them.

Some links will take you to published works by pastors and theologians others are free.  All have been helpful to me in my studies and most of then were cited as sources in my various blog posts.  If you know of any other good links or resources please don’t hesitate to let me know, I will take a look at them and add to my list if I think they would be helpful to current or former SDA.


1.  Former Adventist Fellowship

2.  Proclamation Magazine

3.  ExAdventist Outreach

4.  ExAdventist Interactive FAQ

5.  Dale Ratzlaff – Books (yes all of them)

6.  Dialogue with a Seventh Day Adventist, by Samuel Fisk

7.  Discovering the New Covenant, by Greg Taylor

8.  The Lord’s Day From Neither Catholics nor Pagans an Answer to Seventh-Day Adventism by D.M. Canright

9.  History of the Waldenses

10.  Seventh-day Adventism and the Writings of Ellen G. White, by Mark Martin

11.  Truth or Fables?

12.  Bible Studies For Adventists (Quarterly Commentary)

13.  International Countercult Ministries

14.  An Evaluation of Claims to the Charismatic Gifts, by Douglas Judisch

15.  Cross Hope OnceAdventist Meetup (Alabama)

16. Colossians 2 – Exposition by Elce-junior “Thunder” Lauriston