Christian Music Reviews


This page is dedicated to cataloging blog posts on Christian Music.  My goal is to have a collection of reviews on contemporary and traditional Christian music.  What they are going to be reviewed on is theological accuracy.  I will be pulling my contemporary selections from the CCLI Top 100.  I will provide a link to where I am pulling each hymn from, sources will vary.  The goal is not to throw any particular genre under the bus.  I believe you can find pious music praising God from every generation of the Church.

I am not going to be rating these songs based on nuance or specific word choice.  I think the standards I am using are pretty reasonable:

  1. Is the confession / teaching of the song lyrics Biblical?
  2. Is the Gospel proclaimed?

If I can mostly answer yes to both of those the song will get a thumbs up.


1.  This is Amazing Grace: Phil Wickham

2.  Salvation Unto Us Has Come: Paulus Speratus 1484 – 1554

3.  Oceans (Where Feet May Fall): Hillsong

4.  Lord Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word: Martin Luther 1483 – 1546

5.  Breathe: Marie Barnett

6.  I Have Decided to Follow Jesus: by Nokseng

7.  Lord ‘Tis Not that I did Choose Thee: Josiah Conder 1836

8.  In Christ Alone: Keith Gett, Stuart Townsend